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Solo Social

We help business owners, event organizers & content creators craft, schedule, & amplify online content from one place.

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Access our online design tool anywhere you have internet access. The editor is packed with ready to use templates that makes editing easier to build branded templates.

Image Automation

Save yourself hours by create new images from your personalized templates in seconds through on simple form. Attach your images to social media post and go.

Social Media

Easily jump between drafting post to go out in the future with posting instantly from one simple interface. Leverage our calendar view to review your post.

Easy and reliable

We've focused on a simplified user experiences so we don't become another tool you have to learn. We remove the technical overhead so you can be creative.

Save Time

Stay consistent. Stay on brand.

Managing consistent, engaging online content is a challenge. With numerous platforms and ever-evolving audience preferences, it's tough to keep up.

Create Templates

Use our web based editing tool to create templates that you can use to generate new images to post online

Craft Post for Each Platform

Write out your post for each platform.

Automate Content

Attach images to the post by selecting a template and updating a form and your new image is generated in mins.

Post & Go

Managing multiple social platforms? Select all the platforms you want to post to and schedule at a later time or post right away

Step 5

Launch new website

Release it to the world...

Once the website has been put through final testing, we will transfer the website to your own Webflow account and domain and launch the website on your desired date.

Don't let finding time for effective online marketing often falls by the wayside.

With Solo Social, marketing efficiency is no longer out of reach. Our platform streamlines content creation, scheduling, and analysis, giving you time back to focus on your business.

Pricing that meets your needs.

Here’s what it will cost to simplifying your social media management today.

Essential Access

$29.00 USD

Per Month
Premium Access

$69.00 USD

Per Month
Elite Access

$149.00 USD

Per Month
Online Editor
Tick iconTick iconTick icon
Social Accounts
1 - 5
image generation
Pricing is in USD

On Solo Social.

We make it easy for small teams to take on social media  making more time to balancing all the other parts of running a business.